It is very common issue that most of the WhatsApp users may suffer time to time while running WhatsApp. You may have noticed while you start WhatsApp then it takes some time to start or when you touch on any contact then it acts very slowly. You may feel trouble in message typing, to send message, to receive message and many more.

It occurs many times while your device is not supporting to messenger properly or your network is not working well. But there is another reason which causes this issue as I had suffered it some months ago. I saw my other applications are running well except WhatsApp and some time it doesn’t show WhatsApp or immediately gets out of the application. I was really feeling bad while running this application as maximum time I get message that tell me to “force close” this application. Then I get a very genuine solution from my friend that to delete unnecessary backup data of WhatsApp.

No doubt, in the file manager you can see the entire backup will be stored and when the size of backup gets higher then it causes problem to run this application. You can delete those images, videos and audios from backup that are not important for you. You can also delete your chat history time to time if there is nothing important to save. While you will once do this then you will see how automatically your WhatsApp will work fast and you will not face any issue as you had. Android Apps Advisor is best place to explore suggestions for all android applications.

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