Google said that Android Auto will be updated during the I/O conference. Android Auto will gain certain capabilities in addition to a brand-new UI dubbed Coolwalk. Support for recommended replies that are based on contextual suggestions from Google Assistant is one of these characteristics. All beta users may now try the new Android Auto, and it appears that Google will shortly release the stable version.

What has changed with Android Auto

By linking their Android devices to the car’s infotainment system, drivers may access music, media, and navigation apps. The new user interface would basically combine communication, media, and navigation on a single screen for a safer driving experience, the firm said at Google I/O.

According to the photographs provided by multiple publications, Android Auto resembles Apple CarPlay more. The navigation app or Google Maps card takes up the most of the split screen interface. The music app card takes up around a fourth of the entire screen, leaving the remaining space for communication applications.

The Maps card and the Music app card occupy the majority of the available area if there isn’t a communication app open. The music player card is colorful, and the entire user interface appears more lively.

For one-touch navigation, the taskbar features icons for Maps, Music, Communication, and Settings; however, they are now centered. These icons are located in the bottom left corner of the screen in the current UI. No of the direction of the screen, the new UI automatically adapts so that Maps takes up the most space.

How to test the redesigned Android Auto

New Android Auto is being made available by Google through the Play Store beta program. You should get an update if you have already signed up. Those who are interested in testing it can enroll in the beta program.

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